Anna Meryt Writings on Facebook
Hi Everyone
Here we are moving towards the end of March 2021. Easter is next week and I'm moving on with my Podcasts on Writing Memoir. I've also found a sound engineer who will record my first memoir - A Hippopotamus at the Table for Audible. So anyone who prefers listening to books rather than reading them, anyone with poor eyesight or partially sighted - well watch this space.
If you're interested in writing at all, you may enjoy my podcast series. I've done 2 podcasts now, 4 to go - they focus on memoir writing initially, but as in my book Writing Memoir. How to Write a Story From Your Life, I will be quickly moving on to topics that apply to any writing-a-book project, from writing Dialogue, to finding Your Voice, to StoryTelling, to publishing.
Here's the links
Podcast 2 - Planning your book