Thursday Sept 28th 2017 - my new memoir writing course begins in North London at 6.30pm - please share this

Do you really want to write a memoir?
A memoir is a part of your life, a story from your life - its not the whole life.
Have you got a story that needs to be told?
A big event from your life? Do you want to explore how to plan it, write it, print it and sell it? Do you want to know how to become an author, with a book for sale?
I’m running a Writing Memoir course starting at 6:30 pm on Thurs Sept 28th 2017. There’ll be 8 one and a half hour sessions, the venue will be in North London - near Turnpike Lane station (Piccadilly Line).
The cost is £12 per session, payable in advance ... for the whole course ie. 8 x £12.

Each week I’ll cover a different aspect of memoir writing – topics will be:
    1. What’s your story about?   2. Plot and framework   
      3. Your Writer’s Voice. Show don’t Tell.
4. Character and description.
5. The Art of Story-Telling. 6. Truth and libel. 
7. Editing/Proof-reading  
8. Getting published - options?  Marketing

There are short writing exercises and feedback at the start of every session.

Contact me at (Put Memoir Course in Subject line) and/or you can enrol and pay in advance at Memoir Writing Course.  

Those who have done the course tell me they've really enjoyed it and want follow-up courses.
See reviews on the Meetup website.